How to Vote

Participating in HODLpac's Community Ballots

If you've earned HODLvotes - and are a lawful resident of the United States - then you're eligible to participate in HODLpac's community ballots.

This is how we decide which campaigns HODLpac should donate to.

Our community ballot page is here:


Log in and connect your wallet to the Community Ballot page.

Sign in with the email you’ve used for HODLpac, create an account, and connect your wallet.

Vote for which candidates you think HODLpac should support.

Once you are logged in and your wallet is connected to the Community Ballot page, you can vote for which candidates you want to receive donations.

To vote, click on the +1 (or -1) under a candidate’s name (also, click on their name to view their HODLscore page).

You’ll see your token balance decrease “quadratically” as described below.

Press Cast Votes to make it official. You’ll need Rinkeby Eth to do this (we send you some when you get HODLvote tokens but email [email protected] if you need more).

Important: Once you cast your votes for a candidate, you are unable to vote for them again. So be careful and don’t press that button too soon!

Quadratic Voting

What does "spend my HODLvotes quadratically" mean?

Quadratic voting is a super cool voting method where individuals allocate votes to express the degree of their preferences, rather than just the direction of their preferences. (Learn more here and here)

It works, basically, as follows: the cost to the voter is the number of votes squared.

In other words, 1 vote in favor of a politician costs 1 HODLvote, 2 votes in favor of a politician costs 4 HODLvotes, 3 votes in favor of a politician costs 9 HODLVotes, and so on.

Don't worry if that's confusing, our Community Ballot page makes keeping track of your HODLvotes easy!

Nominating Candidates for the Community Ballot

Don't see your ideal pick on the Community Ballot? Post in our Discord to nominate politicians to vote on.